Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I am back from around Asia

Hi Athletes,

It is your june holidays, pls try to achieve your double skips and power push ups this holiday. Some of you may be wondering why improvements in your physical and technical skills is rather slow.

This is because you did not spend enough training time other than the usual weekend practices.

For those who have put in extra training time and not getting there, stop and think again. Did you follow what you were taught and try to change according to it.

It is always difficult to accept to new changes in the begining, ask yourself this question. Do you want to learn new correct skills to get to the top or do you want to remain the same as before you join us?

See you athletes real soon

Note : It is always quicker to adopt to new skills in the court when you have Mindfulness during training.



mEi fAnG said...


What technique skills have to use and also what should be done in order to become a national player?

Trained to Train said...

Hi Mei Fang,

To be the best athlete is to first set aside your training time for physical and technical. Many athletes wants to be the best BUT they cannot set aside their training hours.

This means committing their set training hours within a week for 3 months.

If you have set aside then you MUST fullfil those training hours. You cannot cancel or postpone as and when you like.

This is the first training discipline for athletes to become what they want to be.

Come back to me with your training hours commitment then I am able to give you a training program for 3 months.
